Hello everyone,
I hope all my American friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My sister in law used to live in North Carolina and she said the day after Thanksgiving the stores had the busiest day of the year as everyone focused on Christmas. So now we are probably all thinking of decorating,shopping, baking etc. I am looking forward to seeing everyone else's Christmas decorating and hearing about your Christmas traditions.
Today ,I was working on doing some decorating in our kitchen -dining room. Last year I had village houses on the shelves between the cabinets but this year I am doing a white theme.

We are having very mild weather for November and today it rained all day making it hard to get good pictures without the flash as it was darker. So, the color is a little off.

Last year these were in the guest room upstairs.

This angel lost his horn but I still has charm.

This is a heavy iron lantern from Winner's that I have had for a few years.

I did break down and buy this Santa at TJ maxx on our trip even though I am trying to discipline myself not to buy anymore Christmas 'stuff'.

I do have a weakness for these Father Christmas's though.

I added a little mercury glass for some sparkle.

I like the feather trees .

I apologize again for the quality of the pictures today. I had hoped to take some other pictures around the house but it was just too dark today. I think showers are expected for the next few days , hopefully after that we get some bright sunny days!
It is Show and Tell Friday again at My Romantic Home so I am joining in again. Thank you Cindy for hosting this fun event.
Hope you have a good weekend
Thanks for visiting,