Scandinavian web shops
.Swedishness. I came across just recently, I love the layout of their shop that allows you to browse products without having to navigate through categories necessarily. It's a much more visual way of navigating. And I appreciate their selection of very unique and recent Scandinavian design products. They carry several items that I have been looking for for a long time.
.Huset. has a great collection of everything from housewares to clothing. I particularly like their coffee& tea category since I've started collecting coffee and tea cups in Swedish vintage patterns.
Happy Friday!
Fireplace Makeover
Hi everyone,
Well,as many of you know we have been doing some projects in our home and we are almost done of them so I am sharing the makeover that we gave our fireplace. Oh, and while you are here I want to show you our new chair that I was so happy to get. I have been seeing these in some magazines and didn't think I would find one here but my daughter was out shopping and spotted it for me and then called to tell me a couple of days later that it was on sale so that got me moving! I am loving some of these French style magazines and blogs lately.
Now,back to the fireplace first we primed it and then gave it a couple of coats of paint (Victoriana) then we had the carpenter build the mantle out and add a 'box' at the top with three turned posts .Our fireplace has a bit of a corner to it making it a little harder to decorate but I think this works well.
You can see the box at the top with the new crown molding.I also bought a new mirror for over the fireplace.
For once,I kept it simple on the mantle with just a few things-toile plate
a matching bowl
a cherub and some china plates
Before- now it didn't really look this bad but here it is with the wallpaper removed and renovation in progress. Don't worry the mantle was never decorated like this -I just moved things out of the way .Anyway,before pics are supposed to be ugly right. I couldn't find a pic with the way it was before we started.
This is a wood burning fireplace and I lit a fire just for you! Why don't you sit for awhile and enjoy this lovely book Waterside Cottages and have a cup of tea. I will throw another log on the fire.
Now,I can't let you go without sharing a few photos of what is blooming in our garden now.Subtle Changes
Lets get outside !

Ok so where I live it can be 80 degrees one day and 50 the next. Ahhh April, but it is time to start thinking about your outdoor spaces, no matter how small !
A Spring Tea
I hope you will join me for a cup of tea on this nice spring day. It is overcast but everything is getting so green. I am really looking forward to having tea in the garden but it is a little to early here yet. Well, maybe not to enjoy a cup of tea but a little early for the garden to be filled in enough to make for a great picture!
So,it is a spring tea up in our little sunroom today.
I made some cupcakes for us-not the prettiest ones I have ever seen but I will work on improving that next time! They are tasty though so go ahead and try one.
I love this teapot that I got on our trip to Maine last year.
I found a few of these lacy napkins at a thrift store recently-they are so delicate.
Let's sit and linger for a bit as we have been busy lately and this is my first spring tea for awhile-not that I haven't had lots of cups of tea just not pretty ones!
Today,I am joining in again with Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage Inspirations for Teatime Tuesday .
I hope you will have time to visit Sandi and check out other lovely teas over there.
Thank you for joining me for tea,
wishlist item no.4
: : I found this beautiful tray by designer Maria Holmer Dahlgren on .from Sthlm. I'm so disapointed that it's already sold out. I need to be checking their site more frequently. Hopefully I can find it somewhere in Sweden though. I think it would be the perfect breakfast tray for bringing my breakfast with me out on the balcony.
Our Reading Nook
Early Spring Garden
Hello everyone,
I hope you are enjoying your weekend. We spent the day working in the garden-it was so lovely to be out in the sunshine and see the promise of so many good things to come, I took my camera out to snap a few shots of what is blooming in our garden now.
There are lots of daffodils in bloom in various sizes and colors.
The peonies are really shooting up now. We have over 100 peonies so there will be lots of bouquets coming along in June and early July.We are a couple of weeks earlier this year then last.
The hyacinths are blooming and sending up their lovely fragrance.
A double bloodroot
striped scilla or puschkinia- aren't they pretty?
This heuchera marmalade
another heuchera -I thought it was lime rickey but it looks a little different then I remembered. They do have dainty flowers later on but it is hard to beat the lovely colored foliage of these tough little plants.
a honeysuckle vine is leafing out
ice follies daffodils
The lilacs are covered with lots of buds-it has been frosty at night lately so I am a little concerned that the flower buds on some early trees and shrubs will get frosted but hopefully not!
We have over 40 lilacs in our garden all different varieties so it should be quite a show when they bloom.
more hyacinths
blue scilla are spreading around the garden.Blog Archive
- Scandinavian web shops
- Fireplace Makeover
- Subtle Changes
- Lets get outside !
- A Spring Tea
- Wishlist item no. 3 IKEA PS SVARVA lamp
- wishlist item no.4
- Our Reading Nook
- Early Spring Garden
- IKEA fest (party)
- Changes
- Gotland house
- Cool stuff to hold your stuff in
- Mosaic Monday
- Early Spring Garden Bouquet
- Garden Statues and a Tour
- Garden Delights!
- A trip to the islands
- Beautiful Charleston!
- wish list item no. 2
- Bathrooms !
- spring is here!