Hello everyone,
It was stormy here today ,although not as bad as expected unless it intensifies tonight.I can hear the wind howling out there so I am happy to be snug inside.
Anyway,I bought these old skates at a yard sale and I think they might have a story to tell.When I was growing up I looked forward to skating every winter and still like to don my skates for some winter exercise when the pond has good ice for skating(as in not snow covered like it is now).
There is something warm and cosy about plaids this time of the year.
A pair of handknit wool socks will keep your feet warm.
A hot cup of tea for when you come inside. This teacup belonged to my husband's family which has a Scottish background.The Scottish Santa wearing his tartan vest was a gift from my sister in law.

It was a quiet Sunday here as the weather did not permit good travelling but I enjoyed a lazy day.
I am hoping we will have some good skating days coming up in the next couple of months though.
Thank you for visiting,