Autumn Joys!

We are settling into autumn here on the Island .We have already had frost a few nights and the garden has taken on it's autumn colors. I still take a lot of joy from the garden at this time of the year so I thought you might enjoy another tour around as well.

I love the English Garden magazine and I always admire their old wooden doors with vines etc. growing over and around them so this is my attempt at getting that English look in our garden. This used to be an entrance to our home but during a kitchen reno a few years ago this doorway was coming out . Instead of actually taking the door out and shingling over the hole. I thought we could leave this old wooden door on and fill in the wall behind is actually a fake entrance with stone steps covered with plants so people don't stand there knocking. I know,I know,

I do come up with some crazy ideas but it works for me!

As you can see my Dad's old bike does get moved around the garden.

the fall asters are starting to bloom

these are tall asters given to me by a friend

Hard to beat Annebelle hydrangea's as they have been blooming since July

The obedient plant is a late bloomer-I love the color of this one.

some rudbeckia's still blooming

Forever pink hydrangeas

the limelight hydrangeas are getting very tall and reaching over our fence at the road

the sumacs are starting to take on their fall colors

faded beauties

some roses blooming among the rosehips

Therese Bugnet rose turns a pretty color in autumn

Prairie princess still has a few blooms

Sedum Autumn Joy is a good old fashioned plant that adds to the garden in all seasons but puts on its best show in autumn.

Graham Thomas has a few pretty blooms for me still

The sky is so beautiful. Oh! I forgot to share my beautiful sunset picture with you. Oh,well another day!
Another autumn joy- I am making green tomato chow today and I love the smell as it slowly simmers on the stove.

Thank you for visiting and for all the lovely words of encouragement you have left for me.

Take care,



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