Christmas This and That

Hello everyone,

I don't have a theme today so it is just a little of this and that again.

A little vignette

A great spot for a cup of tea on a cold day,beside the wood pellet stove that is going day and night this time of the year.

one of my favorite tree ornaments

We did get our tree up a couple of days ago- it is a real spruce tree so we can't put it up too soon.Love the fragrance that hits as soon you walk indoors.

Yesterday was perfect snowman weather-mild with wet snow.

Right Sam?

As many of you know we are blessed with nine grandchildren who all live close by so they are in and out on a regular basis. Sam is our second grandchild , he is nine years old and such a sweetie!

I hope you enjoyed a little of this and that and enjoy your day.

Take care,


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