Topsy Turvy!

Hello everyone,

I just popped in to let you know things are a little busy here so I am taking a little blogging break.

We have carpenters here to work on a project and things are a little topsy turvy!

Better Homes and Gardens we are NOT!

There are a couple of rooms they are working on and I hope to have prettier pics soon.

We getting some new bookcases built in the living room.

I have to leave you with something pretty before I go.

clematis and roses from last years garden

This is our garden today-definitely not pretty but.....

better then this-same day last year! We had a big snowstorm and it was very cold-definitely March went out like a lionlast year and A lamb this year. We had rain the last two days. Now, this is why I am thinking it's early spring for us this year.

I think I mentioned we were going on a little trip. We are off to Charleston and Savannah for a week!!! I am excited to think of strolling around these beautiful old cities. Should I take my parasol?

So with cleanup after the projects ,packing,and Easter I will be gone for a couple of weeks.

I wish all of you a wonderful Easter weekend!




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