Martha's Garden

I took these pictures yesterday in Martha's garden(named after the statue who watches over it) and I couldn't wait to share them as I am not a bit modest about this little garden. I think it looks so romantic! The table and chair set from Winner's was brown when we got it (no white was available here) so we spray painted it and I love it. The deutiza 's are out in full bloom and there are lots of birds fluttering in and out. I am looking forward to the climbing hydrangea covering the wall but it is slower to establish and has yet to bloom (maybe next year). This little garden is mainly a white garden but a few colors have crept in.I have planted plants with fragrance such as hyacinths, Carol Mackie daphne,lilies roses,etc. Just outside this garden of Martha's garden is a Sensation lilac and just coming into bloom now a Prestion lilac so sit down(these chairs are actually comfortable as well as pretty) and enjoy the sights, scents and the song of the birds.

You can click on these to enlarge. I wish I knew how to put pictures on in pan and zoom. If anyone knows would you please send me an email.
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