Our Garden for Outdoor Wednesday

Today I am sharing some photos that I took in our garden recently and I have joined Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.

The bearded iris are just starting to bloom.

I love the beautiful colors.

I like this picture -even though it is a simple clematis flower.

close up of soloman's seal.

This beautiful butterfly caught my attention yesterday as I was enjoying the garden.

The deutiza shrubs are blooming.

Our lilacs are blooming-this one is Sensation.

I love this cute little fairy among the lupins and iris that are just starting to bloom,

I love alliums- even when the blooms are past the seed heads are interesting and they are nice in bouquets.

These are Spanish Bluebells with Star of Bethleham underneath.

This is an enclosed part of our garden.

I love this woodland phlox-it blooms for a long time.

Our lilacs are blooming and I so enjoy their fragrance as I work in the garden.

This little finch was busy feathering her nest.

This is her nest in one of the Deutiza shrubs in the garden above. I hope to get a peek at the babies.

Hope you enjoyed a peek into our garden and I hope you can visit Susan at A Southern
Daydreamer and all the other participants. Thank you Susan for hosting.


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