Small Bouquets

Hello everyone,

I hope you will enjoy a small bouquet of flowers. I picked these dahlias from our garden yesterday and I had to take a few photos of them.

aren't they lovely?

and now a few collages

these bouquets are from earlier in the summer

I love to have a small bouquet on the windowsill in our kitchen

oh! this is starting to make me miss my peonies

This is how I enjoy my garden in winter-I am thankful for my digital camera and my computer that stores thousands of my photos.

This little woodland fairy is our little 4 year old granddaughter Jessica - doesn't she make a charming little fairy?

I hope I don't have too many repeats on here today but I have just spent 7 hours driving to Halifax.We had one dead battery over there and a flat tire on the way home then I had a quick visit to my Mom - so now I am beat! I am now off for a long soak in a hot tub but I hope to do something a little more creative soon.

Thank you for visiting,



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