Kitchen Island Accents

I handcrafted my kitchen island several years ago.
I gave up cabinet space for an open shelf.  To me, a home looks and feels more comfortable when it looks "lived in" so I don't mind that some of the things I use are in plain view.
I don't have drawers to throw junk in so here is my attempt to keep the top counter clear.

The above picture is a handle from my screen door:
Here's how I use it...

This iron bottle opener comes in really handy for opening beer bottles..

The produce wire basket was a perfect fit - I got lucky with that find.

The shelf is just the right amount of space to fit my Kitchen Aide.  It's easy access without being on my counter top.

The open shelf gives me more options to display fun finds like this...

I picked up these milk crates over the summer at tag sales.  They hold my pot lids and hand towels. I like that they don't match and they add to the "old" look of my island.

Sadie's dog food bowls are always in the way....
We use our great big breakfast table for eating and sitting with company so I removed the bar stools and let Sadie have this spot all to herself.
The painted floor under my island is distressed so that if it is dirty (always) then it isn't so obviously grimy looking.

A few weeks ago, while shopping at IKEA, I picked up this rod and hooks.
The way I put this to good use was to hold my wine corks in a recycled bottle.

I used some extra curtain clips to hold my grocery list and my fancy oven mittens/gloves.
I can add decorative accents here along with things I use.  I have quick access to them and I can keep them off the top.

My island gets used and it's a big focal point in our great room area.  I like that it is usable and pretty. It is definitely a statement piece and it's a good display of my style.
I believe that a home puts people at ease if things aren't too "placed".  Seeing a basket of toys or blankets is comfortable and livable.

It's OK to see how you use your own home...
after all it is yours and it doesn't have to be perfect.

and since I love old windows.... I added one to the end of my cabinets.


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