White Wednesday

I love the idea of White Wednesday that Kathleen came up with over at Faded Charm, so I decided to join in today.Some of you may have seen these pictures before, & I apologize but I seem to have a mental block today, for new ideas. This was one of my favorite posts of the summer,---so I hope you don't mind another peek. For those of you who are new here I hope you enjoy a White Tea in our little garden cottage.

There is something so soothing about the color white.

I picked up these dishes at tj max

This old white lace tablecloth came from a thrift shop in Camden Maine when we went for a little trip(what is a vacation without hunting for a few treasures)

I love the candlestick with the crystals relecting the light. Help yourself to the egg salad sandwiches.

Take a cup and saucer

And now we can visit with a cup of tea.

Hope you enjoy visiting all the lovely participants at Kathleen's Faded Charm.

Thank you for visiting me,



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