Garden Barrel Art...

I had a garden barrel at the bottom of my driveway with our
 house number painted on it.

It was falling apart...

I couldn't throw out that beautifully aged & rusted old wood.

I lined up several slats in a row - some up some down because the boards are tapered. The rust lines look better a bit random anyway.

Cut down two skinny pieces of scrap wood to the length of the slats.

Apply liquid nails then attach to the back side of my slats....

Nail in the long strip of scrap wood to the slats after the glue.
I use my nail gun any time I can.  It is so fast!

I brought the wooden piece into my office and pulled out my stencils.
I wanted to paint something simple on it....

This is one of my friends favorite sayings...

A recycled garden barrel with a very important message....


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