Shades of Aqua!

I got this birdhouse lamp at the Christmas Tree Shop for$7.

I thought it would be cute in the little cottage in our garden

I like the small teapot and bowl with it.

I hope you are not tired of my lilacs yet.

This hallstand belonged to my parents but I did paint it cream and it is in our porch.

It is a nice place for seasonal displays.

Now I guess this isn't actually aqua but close enough and I love this photo of our granddaughter Jessie.
We have had a gentle warm rain here the last couple of days so it is great for the garden as we had a several sunny days. On Monday we have our first home and garden tour of the season so I am off to do some inside chores today. I think we have the garden ready as every bed has been weeded, composted,edged, pruned and new plants added here and there.So I am feeling pretty good about getting all that done. There has been a lot of growth in the past few weeks and it will soon be blooming in all it's glory!
I hope you all have a great weekend,



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