Toile ,Wicker and a Cutie!

It is another beautiful warm sunny here again. I love having the windows all open and the screen doors on again. The crap apple trees are blooming and the lilacs are starting to bloom here in our garden.

This is an old wicker chair that I bought at Coulson's a couple of weeks ago. I liked the high back it has . First I thought I would paint it but when I put the pillows on it and placed it out in the garden I decided to leave it black for now.

This is a shady spot in the garden where you can enjoy your tea and maybe enjoy a book for awhile.

I got this black and white toile bowl down in Maine also. It came with an interesting letter telling me the history behind the bowl.

The pedestal came from a yard sale in Maine-$5. They had some amazing bargains at the yardsales but there is only so much you can fit in a car.

Since I mentioned toile- I thought I would add this collage .

And speaking of collages I couldn't resist adding this one of our sweet liitle grandson Lucas who just turned four.

Have a good day!



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