Some of the Things I Love about Summer!

I love windows open and curtains blowing gently in the breeze.

I love laundry drying on the line outdoors.

Watching the birds building their nests.

Watching the baby robins grow.

I love hammocks.

Eating breakfast in our terrace.

having our umbella's up,

our garden benches placed around the garden.

having tea in the garden,

an abundance of flowers.

sleeping in our little garden cottage.

having a picnic,

going to different summer events ,

watching our son play soccer,

wearing sandels or flip flops,

going to the beach,

eating out at summer places,

like tearooms,

we have so many beautiful beaches here on the Island!

I love sun sets,

going for little drives to small towns or villages,

more tea time,

grandchildren coming to visit,

going for long walks on the beach-did I mention that already?


all our grandchildren coming=hearing their giggles!

hearing the waves lapping on the shore,


touring days-this is Dalvey-by-the-sea as seen in Anne of Green Gables.

pretty linens blowing in the breeze,

having garden tours,

more beautiful sunsets,

going to the beach,

wearing summer dresses and hats, am I old fahioned or what?

and of course I love our garden! What do you love about summer, or did I lose you way back at the beach?

I hope you all have a good weekend!



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